AJC Ruling on Academic Misconduct in Statistics mid semester exam

On November 4, 2016 the Ashesi Judicial Committee (AJC) ruled on a case of academic misconduct involving a student from the Class of 2019.  The AJC concluded that the students is guilty of copying from another student in the Statistics mid semester exam.  

As stated in Ashesi’s student handbook,

Academic dishonesty includes plagiarism, unauthorized exchange of information or use of material during an examination, unauthorized transfer of information or completed work among students, use of the same paper in more than one course, unauthorized collaboration on assignments, and other unethical behavior.  Disciplinary action will be taken against perpetrators of academic dishonesty.  – Section 7.4.  

After deliberating, the AJC came up with the following sanctions:

  • The student will fail the course
  • The student will submit an essay to the AJC reflecting on the act committed and Ashesi’s values, and how they these values should be upheld.

The Committee encourages the Community to consider how a lack of ethics and integrity affects the wider community. The AJC would especially like to advise the Ashesi community of the following:

  • The minimum sanction that the AJC issues a student found guilty, is a failing grade for the course.
  • In dealing with the AJC students should be truthful and honest.  Appearing to distort facts, using language to hide the truth, or withholding information can influence decisions taken by the AJC. 
  • Students should take responsibility for the work that they present, which should be representative of their own efforts. 
  • Students should trust and rely on their own intelligence and work, ensuring that it is original.
  • Students should be very cautious about lending their laptops and work to other students. If students are sharing their laptops, they should create separate guest accounts for the person borrowing the laptop, so as to protect their work.  Students who share their laptops or work may be penalized along with the person who copied the work, if we deem the student who shared to be negligent or irresponsible about the act of sharing.
  • If in doubt about academic practices and procedures, do not hesitate to speak with an examiner or invigilator.

Academic honesty is very important at Ashesi, and is central to our mission of achieving ethical excellence.  We trust that the Ashesi Community will grow through these experiences.