Examination Honour Code

In keeping with Ashesi’s mission to educate a new generation of ethical leaders, the faculty and executives of Ashesi University approved in November 2007 a proposal to formally invite selected classes at Ashesi to adopt an Honour Code for examinations at the university.

The code was voted into force by students in January 2008. All incoming first year students will receive extensive orientation about the code, and will have the opportunity to vote whether their class should join the honour system or not.

The adoption of the Examination Honour Code marks a significant step in the history of Ashesi University. The code is intended to build a high-trust community, to put students in charge of their ethical posture and the reputation of their alma mater, and by so doing, to take a significant step in Ashesi’s mission to educate a new generation of ethical leaders in Africa. 

Please read the white paper on Ashesi's Honour Code.

Code of Conduct

The purpose of the Exam Code of Conduct is to create an ethical environment for examinations. Failure to abide by the Exam Code of Conduct can result in disciplinary action. During an examination, students:

  • Are not allowed to talk to each other, exchange information of any kind, or engage in any activity that could result in the unfair advantage for one or more students before, during, or after the quiz or exam, while they are in or out of the classroom;
  • Must leave all books and other aids in an inaccessible place (except for open-book quizzes or exams);
  • Must leave as much space as possible between students (as much as the room allows);
  • Should try to ensure that their line of sight does not cause others to suspect them of cheating;
  • Must leave mobile phones and other electronic communication devices switched off

Implementation of the Examination Honour Code

Started in January 2008, students are expected to take tests and exams on their honour. At the end of each test, each student is required to sign the following statement.


I pledge on my honour that during this examination I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance, nor have I seen any violations of the Exam Code of Conduct.

Signature: ____________________________________________

Name: _______________________________________________

[ ] I have intentionally not signed the pledge (check only if appropriate)

I have personally witnessed the following Examination Honour Code violations or obstructions (optional):



Obstruction of the Examination Honour Code Process

The university’s decision to adopt an honour system for examinations is a significant one, the abuse of which will fracture the ethical framework central to our mission. The following instances constitute violations of the Examination Honour Code and can lead to serious sanctions including suspension or expulsion from the university community.

  • Failure to abide by the Exam Code of Conduct.
  • Attempting to prevent the discovery of prohibited conduct, or attempting to obstruct access, to alter, to destroy, or to conceal potential evidence connected with an Exam Honour Code investigation.
  • Attempting to discourage, intimidate or deter complainants, witnesses, or other participants in an Exam Honour Code investigation.
  • Initiating an Exam Honour Code complaint without any basis in fact and with the intent to harass another student.

General Practices and Procedures

  • Suspected violations of the Exam Honour Code may be reported by intentionally omitting to sign the pledge, or by speaking directly with the Lecturer or the Dean of Students.
  • If a pledge is unsigned and unchecked, the student will be contacted in order to determine whether the student intentionally left the pledge unsigned. If the absence of signature was intentional, the lecturer or Dean of Student Affairs will investigate the matter further. Violations of the Exam Honour Code are adjudicated by the Ashesi Judicial Committee (AJC) as described in the Student Handbook.


Any questions regarding the Examination Honour Code should be directed to the Dean of Student and Community Affairs.