As we wind down on the last day of 2013, we highlight some of our best moments this year, celebrating the progress we have made and our ambitions for the coming year. To the entire Ashesi community, and our supporters worldwide, thank you for a great 2013, and here's to a great 2014!

Ashesi breaks ground on new engineering facility
The groundbreaking ceremony, one of our biggest milestones this year, marked the start of construction for our engineering facility and signals active preparation for Ashesi’s Engineering major, set to open in 2015. 

"I think that engineers are extremely important in the world," said Ashesi President, Patrick Awuah, at the ceremony. "The 1% of people that do engineering, really build the world for the 99% that don't.”
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Ashesi's admissions acceptance rate drops to 12%
Ashesi’s 2013 admissions season was the most competitive at Ashesi yet, as approximately 12% of students who applied were enrolled into our freshman Class of 2017. As compared to last year, our applicant pool also increased by 74%.
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Ashesi University Foundation receives $1 million Global Impact Funding Grant from the King Innovation Fund
This gift came at a great time for Ashesi, as it allowed for construction to begin on our new engineering building, which will house classrooms and labs designed for in-depth, hands-on learning in electrical and computer engineering, mechanical engineering, product design and physics.
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Celebrating legacy: Ashesi names hall in honour of Emerita Professor Nana Apt, honours Matthew Taggart
In citations to Prof Apt and Mr. Taggart, both members of Ashesi’s founding team, Dr. Patrick Awuah, thanked the two for their years of sacrifice, for believing in the seemingly impossible mission to start Ashesi, and for their unwavering service to the university. 

Reflecting on Ashesi’s early years, Dr. Awuah said, “people remark about the success of Ashesi when they visit us and see our campus, but what is often missed is the sweat, the sacrifice, and the grit of the team that worked to build this institution, and the community that is working to preserve this legacy for future generations.”
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Ashesi hosts biggest graduation ceremony yet for the Class of 2013
Speaking on behalf of the Class of 2013, Senior Class Speaker, Frances Akrong ’13 shared memories the class had created together, read tributes on how the class had impacted Ashesi during its four years in the community, and thanked Ashesi for the lessons the university had taught them.
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Ashesi President honoured by Babson College for "outstanding entrepreneurial leadership"
Dr. Awuah was among three honourary degree recipients honoured in Saturday's ceremonies, including Kip Tindell, CEO of the Container Store, and Saras Sarasvathy, Associate Professor at the Darden School of Business, University of Virginia.

According to Babson College, "as extraordinary leaders who are transforming the world in different and impactful ways, Dr. Awuah, Tindell, and Dr. Sarasvathy embody the mission of Babson – to educate entrepreneurial leaders who make and find opportunities that create economic and social value everywhere."
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Ashesi Professor named 2013 Tribeca Disruptive Innovation Award (TDIA) recipient
The TDIA, celebrates people whose ideas and projects have created meaningful impact in their fields. Its goal is to highlight applications of, and advancements, in disruptive innovation theory that have spread far beyond their original technological and industrial realms. 

Dr. Korsah was named an honoree, together with Ken Goldberg of UC Berkeley, for their work in founding the African Robotics Network (AFRON).
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Ashesi students launch project in Liberia to help students access digital learning material without internet access
The one-year pilot project, funded by the Natembea Foundation, and supported by Ashesi University, will leverage the use of e-Learning to support a pilot school at Ricks Institute (K-12) in Monrovia, and independent learners in Liberia. Three students from the 5-member AshCon team spent more than 5 weeks on the campus of Ricks this summer installing the state-of-the-art program for Liberian children.
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Ashesi lecturer becomes sixth Ghanaian to be awarded Fellowship in the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) UKHead of the Business Administration department at Ashesi, Anthony Ebow Spio, was awarded Fellowship status in the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) UK this year. Fellowship is the highest recognition CIM UK confers on its members, awarded to a marketing professionals with proven record of expertise, experience, success and a high degree of responsibility in marketing operations. 
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Welcoming remarkable influencers to Ashesi
As part of efforts to open up the conversation on leadership, innovation and social change on campus, Ashesi hosted several amazing people on campus this year to speak about leadership, civic engagement and youth influence. Speakers included former President of Ghana, H.E John A. Kufuor, U.S Ambassador to Ghana, H.E. Gene Cretz, renowned Ghanaian Journalist Anas A. Anas, and CEO of the Ghana Chamber of Telecommunications Kwaku Sakyi Addo.

Ashesi Alum, Regina Agyare ’05, wins $75,000 social impact award
Capping off an amazing year as an entrepreneur, Ashesi alum Regina Agyare was named a Tigo Ghana Reach for Change Leader, earning $75,000 in funding to grow her social enterprise.
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